Mobile Money interoperability goes live in Rwanda

RSwitch Ltd in collaboration with Mobile Money Rwanda Ltd and Airtel Mobile Commerce Ltd are
pleased to announce today the launch of eKash to facilitate interoperability between mobile money
From today, Airtel Money and Mobile Money Rwanda Limited customers will be able to send and
receive money to each other instantly with their respective wallets thanks to the integration of both
institution’s platforms through the RNDPS without additional cost.
This milestone is one of the use cases of the interoperability project under the name of Rwanda
National Digital Payment System (RNDPS). The development was announced today in Kigali by the parties involved.
The RNDPS is an interoperable and instant payment between all financial institutions including Commercial Banks, Mobile Network Operators, Microfinances, SACCOs as well as other FinTech Companies.
This is in line with the government vision of achieving the cashless economy in Rwanda.
Rwandan consumers will benefit from improved customer convenience, lower transaction costs and
increased value from the improved range of products and services through digital payments by
enabling service consumers to transact seamlessly and with ease from anywhere.