JAMES NGUNJIRIMarket analysts have predicted that cross-border payments are the next frontier wher...
Results: 26 - 42 of 42
Dare Okoudjou, CEO & Founder, MFS Africa At Mobile World Congress, the GSMA announced tha...
Christophe Erny, Vice President, Market Unit, Mahindra ComvivaMobile money has played (and continu...
OPINIONBy Brett Parker, SAP Africa Managing DirectorForget bootstraps, Africa is a continent dra...
CHALLENGE: According to a 2015 KPMG report, banking penetration is as low as 36% in some of t...
Brian Richardson - Co-founder and group CEO of WIZZIT International.
Financial inclusion is...
Three steps to reduce the cost of remittances t...
Simon AderinlolaHead of Service Delivery - Interswitch Financial Inclusion Services Ltd
I have...
Africa has shown how mobile money including mobile payments can perform miracles in terms of finan...
Mobile financial services sector across Africa has seen “encouraging levels of growth”...
GILLIAN JONES.MOBILE phones have been touted as the solution to banking for the poor in Afri...
VODACOM is in talks with small and big companies with the aim of getting them to use its mobile pa...
Global humanitarian agency first to compare cost-efficiency of different e-cash transfer...
Africa, a continent where only 20% of people have a bank account but 50% use a mobile ph...
SOURCE:UKFUNDRAISING.Bitcoin users around the world can now make Bitcoin donati...
VAHID MONADJEM,CO-Founder and CEO, Nomanini
The growth of mobile money in Africa over the last se...
ITWEBJAN 15,2014.
One sector continues to show growth in Africa and demonstrate the genuine poten...