National Bank of Angola wants to implement digital money system across the country

Banco Nacional de Angola (BNA) launched a request for information with a view to selecting the company that will be responsible for the Mobile and Instant Transfer System (‘mobile money’) to be implemented in Angola.

“As there is already a very consolidated mobile telecommunications network in the Angolan market, Banco Nacional de Angola intends to implement a Mobile and Instant Transfer System (STMI), which is available throughout the Angolan territory and accessible to the entire population, commonly known as Mobile Money ”, justifies the regulator on its website.

The opening of requests for information is intended for the preparation of a request for proposal (RFP) to choose the technological operator of the entity that will be responsible for the technological management of STMI, which will have to be a payment system operator based in Angola.

The payment system in Angola is currently based on the use of four book-entry payment instruments (checks , payment cards, credit transfers and direct debits) and consists of four interbank subsystems, a large payment system and a settlement of securities.

Interested parties will have to respond to the BNA's request for information by the day 10 June 2020.

The request for proposal will be launched by the BNA on 24 in June with deadline reply by 31 in July.

In August on-site visits and demonstrations, with the selection process scheduled for September 2020.

With the request for information, BNA intends to obtain information aimed at guiding the “selection of a solid company, of recognized suitability and experience in the management and operation” of this type of systems.

SOURCE:Galus Australis
