Africa’s New Top-Up Leader: Ozaremit Accelerates its Development

Ozaremit, a new top-up leader, accelerates its development only 3 months after its launch.
Ozaremit currently covers 110 countries, including 35 countries in Africa. Ozaremit is a competitive, safe and fast online service to send airtime to family and friends living abroad.
Ozaremit is already the cheapest service to send top-ups to phones in Nigeria.
Ozaremit is also pleased to announce it has secured funding from French investors Thibault Launay, Romain Girbal and Célia Grémy to boost growth. They have a vast experience investing in mid to early stage startups, including soon to launch Afrimalin, a classified listing platform for Francophone Africa.
Ozaremit is also in discussion with top tech investors.
Ibrahima Soumano, Ozaremit co-founder and CEO, said: "We are pleased to get leading international entrepreneurs and investors on board to accelerate our growth. We will rapidly scale Ozaremit's customer base and expand our activities beyond top-up. We are set to be the next fintech success story”.
The new funds will help ramp up marketing across multiple channels and allow Ozaremit to launch its agents network in an effort to make the service widely available to offline customers.
Send airtime, money and pay bills for your loved ones instantly: A new user interface offering cross border remittances for mobile airtime, bill payment and mobile money transfer will be unveiled in the coming weeks.