TOGO: ECO CCP boasts 110,000 users and XOF3 billion worth of transactions

From May 2018 to May 2019, 110,000 ECO CCP savings mobile accounts have been created. The figure was released by Société des Postes du Togo (SPT), which launched the financial inclusion tool in May 2018.

Over the period, the accounts recorded 52,318 transactions amounting to more than XOF3 billion.

Let’s recall that ECO CCP account is linked to users’ TMoney or Flooz mobile money accounts. It offers a 2% interest rate and enables a wide range of operations including withdrawals, deposits, intra-transfers and wiring from a non-user to a user and vice-versa.

Lauding the service’s first-year performance, the SPT plans on deploying 3,000 ECO CCP agents across the country by end-2020, to better rural populations. By the same time, the company expects to have a million users for the new service.

Séna Akoda / TogoFirst 
